Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just Checkin' In . . .

Not much happening here. The Day of the Dead has come and gone yet again. It was a good show, if not as well attended as previous years. We usually do it in the first weekend of November, and now we know why: there are a lot of other things happening in Prescott over the Veteran's Day weekend. (Competition for the entertainment dollar.) If you couldn't make the show, there is a very nice write-up (with pix!) on the blog of a very satisfied audience member.

Another consequence of doing the show a week late: you get through it and realize "holy crap, Thanksgiving's a week away."

In other news, there is no other news. I finally submitted my sci-fi short story and also sent in a new piece of flash fiction. No word yet on "The Eternal Movie," but the flash piece will be up on Six Sentences on Nov. 19. Mark your calendars now. (That one turned out pretty well.) Right now I'm returning to an old project called "Killer's got the Blues Again," which some of you might remember. Heavy revisions on the front end, and writing new material from the last chapter backwards. Hopefully, I will eventually meet in the middle and have a (gasp!) completed novel. After that, Andrew and I are looking at another radio script contest. Just the first step towards our goal of radio theater world domination. (It's a small world, but it is a world nonetheless.)

The kids are doing well, with the exception of Lily's constantly running nose. I thought we'd left all this sniffly business behind when took them out of day care, but I guess not. Lea's got the same bug. Or at least I think she does. I don't really see my wife enough to keep up with her health concerns. She's still working those mad holiday hours. She'll get a break for Thanksgiving Day, but the day after that is known in the retail biz as "Black Friday." (I always thought that would make a great title for a "Die Hard"-in-a-mall action movie. Don't go stealing my idea, now.)

Anyway, the Dyl-man and I have so far proved immune to the cold virus. I credit sleep deprivation and excessive caffeine use. Dylan can thank judicious Halloween candy rationing. Your results may vary.


angie said...

Sorry to hear about Lily and Lea. That's a sucky way to start off the holiday season, but hopefully it'll be over soon. And here's wishing you good completion ju-ju. Go, Christian, go!

Christian said...

Oh, you know it'll be a good eight or nine years before I get the freakin' thing done.

angie said...

With that kinda attitude...*shakes head sadly, shuffles off to pick away at own novel in progress*